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Trash Talk: If You Don't Do It, Who Will?

05/02/2023 11:23 AM | Anonymous

TRASH-OFF is a statewide all-day event on April 15, and the Great American Cleanup is open to all communities and volunteers through May 31. (

March 25, 2023 approximately 30 volunteers collected around 200 bags of trash across roughly 11 linear miles of the Perkins-Tryon community.

Unbelievable, right?!

Appalling is likely more accurate. WHERE is our sense of pride and ownership in our community? Even the compliments we received felt less-than-encouraging when followed by phrases that express sentiments like, "It really needed to be done," and "It was looking really bad."

Trusting that these comments truly ARE made with the best of intentions, it poses an interesting question... If you knew it was getting out of hand, why didn't YOU do anything to help? It is no personal attack, rather food for thought. As Chamber Vice President Mark Wilson often says, "It's the S.T.P. You always get the 'same ten people' showing up to make a difference."

BIG change starts with small, consistent action. I challenge each of you to choose ONE area that you can focus on being more actionable in Our Community. One thing that you can do consistently to be an example and make a difference.

To the volunteers who showed up, trudged through the cold and did what many saw needed to be done - but few took action to do: THANK YOU. You are the real MVPs. 

Moving forward, the PCCC Board of Directors will be working more closely with the City of Perkins to clarify ownership roles for our local TRASH-OFF, City-Wide Garage Sale & City-Wide Cleanup Events. We will also be reaching out to local student organizations to partner with us throughout the year in various city cleanup activities, as necessary. It is our hope that by increasing awareness and involving the next great generation of local leaders, sustainable long-term solutions for Perkins will start now, with US!


The Perkins Community Chamber of Commerce is composed of organizations, individuals and businesses that are engaged in business and community events in the Perkins area.


[email protected]
(405) 747-6809
730 N Main St Perkins, Oklahoma


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Monday - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday - 8:00am - 4:30pm
Saturday - Closed

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